Wednesday, June 25, 2014

(SCOPUS Index Conference for Journal) International Conference on Science, Engineering, Built Environment and Social Science (ICSEBS 2014), Bali, Indonesia. 24th -27th 2014.

 “REDEFINING YOUR ‘GREEN” Approaches in Research, Design and Project”
An Integrated Approach from Science, Engineering, Built Environment and Social Science Perspectives.

Dear Professors, Researchers, and Practitioners,
 We are pleased to invite you to submit your research papers to the International Conference on Science, Engineering, Built Environment and Social Science (ICSEBS 2014) entitled “Redefining Your ‘Green’ Approaches in Research, Design and Project” to be held in the Island of Bali, Indonesia from November 24th to November 27th 2014.

The 2014 International Conference on Science, Engineering, Built Environment and Social Science ICSEBS will be an excellent opportunity for all expert, academician, practitioner and researcher in the field of Science, Engineering, Built Environment and Social Science to discuss and debate on the topic of environmental science, green technology, political, economic and socio-culture in order to produce an impactful contribution to the environment, community and profession they are serving.

All registered papers in ICSEBS 2014 will be upgraded for World Applied Science Journal (WASJ)- (Journal not just proceedings) which is indexed by SCOPUS. The organizing committee of the Conference has been preparing a full and interesting agenda for the four days of the conference programme.

Submission must be original and should not have been published previously or be under consideration for publication while being evaluated for this Conference.
For paper format, please download the template in
Authors are also recommended to submit their paper through online system

The areas of ICSEBS 2014 are as follows:
1.      GREEN SCIENCE in
Acoustics; Agronomy; Astronomy; Astrophysics; Bacteriology; Biochemistry; Bio-Statistic; Biology; Botany; Chemistry; Cosmology; Crystallography; Ecology; Endocrinology; Entomology; Enzymology; Forestry; Histology; Gerontology; Genetics; Geochemistry; Geodesy; Geography; Geology; Geophysics; Horology; Hydrology; Ichthyology; Immunology; Mechanics; Medicine; Meteorology; Metrology; Mineralogy; Mycology; Neurology; Nutrition; Oceanography; Oncology; Optics; Pathology; Petrology; Pharmacology; Physics; Physiology; Psychology; Radiology; Systematics; Seismology; Spectroscopy; Thermodynamics; Toxicology; Virology; Volcanology; Zoology.
Information Technology; Aeronautics Engineering; Biomolecular Engineering; Civil Engineering; Chemical Engineering; Industrial Engineering; Nanotechnology; Electrical Engineering, Materials Engineering; Molecular Engineering; Process Engineering, Environmental Engineering; Geotechnical Engineering; Structural Engineering; Transport Engineering; Robotics Engineering.
3.      GREEN BUILT ENVIRONMENT (including Art Humanities) in
Architecture; Art and Design (Photography & Digital Imaging); Art and Design (Fashion Design); Art and Design (Ceramics); Art and Design (Industrial Design); Art and Design (Fine Metal design); Art and Design (Textile Design); Art and Design (Graphic Design & Digital Media); Green Development; Fine Art; Interior Design & Furniture Design; Landscape Architecture; Quantity Surveying; Urban and Regional Planning; Printing Technology; Building Surveying; Project Management; Contract Management; Building Costing and Management.
Anthropology; Archaeology; Culture and Heritage; Criminology & Framing; Education; Geography; History; Indigenous Community; Islamic Study; Islamic Banking; Islamic Economy; Literature; Linguistic; Management; Psychology; Religious Study; Sociology.

Proposal Papers related to other environmental, humanistic value, public interest and community contribution issues are also welcome.

The Important dates are as follow:
30th September 2014 – Deadline for full papers submission
31st October 2014 – Deadline for final registration
24th to 27th November 2014 – The conference date

We are honoured to invite you to the International Conference on Science, Engineering, Built Environment and Social Science, ICSEBS 2014. Registration for the Conference can be done online at the following web link:http://www.Icsebs2014/registration/ For more information or assistance please do not hesitate to contact us.

Kind regards,
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nangkula Utaberta
Chairman of the 2014 Conference Organizing Committee
ICSEBS Conference Secretariat

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

2012: Book: Melihat Arsitektur Islam dari Perspektif Sunnah dan Arsitektur Organik Frank Lloyd Wright

Melihat Arsitektur Islam dari Perspektif Sunnah dan Arsitektur Organik Frank Lloyd Wright

Nangkula Utaberta


Buku ini berusaha memberikan sebuah studi dan pendekatan terhadap Arsitektur Islam yang mengacu kepada sumber dan prinsip dasar dari Islam yaitu Al-Qur ’an dan Sunnah, bukan hanya kepada produk yang dihasilkan oleh masyarakat Islam. Disamping itu pembahasan ini juga berupaya memberikan sebuah bentuk pengaplikasian dari pendekatan nilai ini dengan melakukan sebuah penyerapan dan pengadaptasian ide-ide dari gerakan Arsitektur Modern secara khususnya Frank Lloyd Wright ke dalam pembentukan filosofi dan teori Arsitektur Islam. Pembahasan buku ini terbagi atas pembahasan tentang krisis, isu-isu, masalah dan pendekatan terhadap apa yang dipahami sebagai Arsitektur Islam, Studi terhadap kehidupan Frank Lloyd Wright dari perspektif nilai serta ide-ide dan filosofi desain dari Arsitektur Organik Frank Lloyd Wright. Diharapkan kajian ini dapat memulakan sebuah diskusi intelektual yang integratif dan dinamis serta membentuk kerangka pemikiran dan filosofi dari Arsitektur Islam sebagai sebuah kajian yang kokoh dan integratif.

2013: Book: Reconstructing a Pedagogical Framework for Critique Sessions: Toward Sustainable Architecture Education

Reconstructing a Pedagogical Framework for Critique Sessions: Toward Sustainable Architecture Education

Badiossadat Hassanpour, Nangkula Utaberta

Once a technology is developed in a certain country, it’s know- how can be instantly spread out all over the world, neglecting the cultural aspects of countries to or from which it propagates .On the contrary the spiritual and cultural aspects of human life, namely, how to enrich men’s day by day life, cannot easily be communicated. The interchange of man’s cultural aspects is not as easy as that of materialistic ones. Education as a first stage of attitude and effect on future can play an important role. Especially in art and architecture which is completely linked with spiritual and mental aspects and has direct effect on thoughts and ideas; even it can make a pattern and line behavior for human’s life. So this book tries to investigate about architecture education and critique sessions as its backbone. First we take a look on what is going on in design studios and then will classify the critique methods in different type of studios and will explain each. Later by mentioning all effects of implemented methods on Malaysian students of architecture in National University of Malaysia as a case study, the book tries to give suggestions to upgrade the existing system.

Monday, June 9, 2014

2014: Book: A Little Rendezvous in Bali

We have always been exposed to travelling ever since before I took architecture. For each trip there’s a travelogue (short or long) that I created. The experience, understanding, exposure, adventure and escapade to new places, new cultures and new people are something that everyone feels excited to do. Being and architect now, it helps to literally participate from the planning of the trip to the actual excursion. And this particular travelogue are filled with overly- stylised drawings and photos to make those who read to simmer with imaginations. We would like to present, with great pleasure, a travelogue that illustrates and records every single moment in the magical Island of Bali through a combined effort of our 3rd year students. The travelogue expresses every single participant’s thoughts, feelings and experiences. It is structured in such a way that each day is presented through their SEE, FOOD and PLAY sections.

2013: Introducing Our New Book: Pemikiran Seni Bina Islam Moden di Dunia & Malaysia, Published by Penerbit UTM Johor

Pemikiran Seni Bina Islam Moden di Dunia & Malaysia

Islam adalah salah satu daripada dua agama yang terbesar di dunia dimana politik dan ekonomi Islam mempunyai impak yang sangat besar dalam arus globalisasi masa kini.Walau bagaimanapun, kebudayaan Islam tidak dapat menular sekukuh budaya Barat. Salah satu sebabnya adalah kecetekan pemikiran dalam bidang Seni Bina. Bangunan yang terpapar ketika ini menjadi refleksi ketandusan minda arkitek Islam dan para cendekiawan Islam. Buku ini ditulis sebagai landasan pertama bagi mencetuskan perdebatan tentang pemikiran Seni Bina Islam.